Thursday, April 10, 2014

Welcome English 1 - Period 0!

Hello students!

Welcome to English 1. We will be using Blogger as a way to submit technology based assignments, gain extra credit, and so much more. The only thing I ask is that you be creative in your own way of what you want others to read. You will be graded based solely on submission. Remember that in class, we discussed that your submissions must contain at least three to five paragraphs for essays, a paragraph if it is anything else (such as posting images, writing poems, and such), or the main idea and a summary of an article you found.

There will be times that there is open discussions; feel free to speak your mind out and let your voice be heard!

I look forward to working with you all this year.

-Ms. S.

1 comment:

  1. Ms. S.,

    djfk lasjirajlrjljf ldajieao jirojiojflajflkjd fhieaqtr 8y+ y783y jdkajf lkpori jfklavnm,cxnzhurkyeanfna kfuaheknfklajriueoraljnfaJKJkllMNKLJFLJ AKFODIAOPJRLKEAMKLJHjKJKLNFKDJSIAklnknn ihfdisjaklrienkn878ijknkj19890-432=
